Awab Alvi
Orthodontist & TED Senior Fellow
Abid - is one amazing dynamic person I have met, he is a true patriot and believes in bringing the best of Pakistan to the forefront. I value his patriotism and his commitment to the country very highly. I have known Mr. Beli barely a year, but consider him a valuable friend whom I value far more than ever imaginable. I wish Abid all the best in life, and support him with all the courage to surmount any difficulties he may face as he tries his best to bring Pakistan back from the brink of disaster, Mr. Abid Beli, Pakistan is proud to have a son like you, I'm just fortunate to have known you.
Abid is an energetic person, who thinks out of the box and provides innovative solutions for complex problems. He can design marketing management strategies on social media very well and can execute them effectively to achieve desired outcomes. I've known Abid for almost 3 years now and I've found him to be a dedicated and sincere professional.
My dearest and nearest friend of more than 35 years. Abid is a person of dignity, leadership and courage. He is extremely hard working and dedicated. He had everything but he wanted a name for himself independent of his family name and I am very proud to say that he has achieved it with full marks. I love you my friend and wish you very best of luck for the future... you are the best!!
Abid Beli is the case study that should be taught to students in Entrepreneurship. A powerhouse with a never-ending stream of ideas that he translates successfully into fully independent businesses. He is an asset for Pakistan.
I believe What Abid is doing (beliscity.com) which is the only pioneer Hardware e-Commerce Portal and one of the best Conumer Products Portal in Pakistan. He really worked hard with patience and I wish him all the best for his near future. Pakistan Zindabad
I have always consider Abid as a gret freind despit of working closelly with each other or into our own spaces. he is someone with excellent personal and professional values. My Prayers and wishes are always for him and i wish him all the best from my heart for all his future endevors.